Monday, June 18, 2007

Thing 2 - Setting Up a Blog

The first hurdle for me to setting up the blog was managing my Google accounts, which meant deciding that I really want a separate account for work and that I didn't want to use my account from home. Not a big deal, but it did add several minutes of emailing and password searching and reminded me of how everything online seems to have at least one or two steps before Step One.

Also, I like how Ann's blog has the text on the right and the lists on the left, but when I am in Customize view I can't seem to drag the Archive element to the left. It only wants to be on the top, bottom or right. Is this an artifact of the browser I'm using? (Firefox 2 on a pc)? Who knows.


Ann said...

I wonder if its the template. I'm using the one called 'Minima Template Left' -- might be the template just below on the left of the one you are using?

Christy H said...

Thanks Ann, that was the answer. So I changed the template to Minima Template Left Stretch" - slightly longer sentences in stretch version, I guess.